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2024 Astrology Forecast for the Rising Signs

It's hard to believe we're already at the end of 2023... Where has the time gone?! Here is a brief overview of what each rising (or sun) sign can expect this year! If you are interested in a more in-depth look at the year with transit dates and specific information on each month, check out the full astrology forecast for the year on the 'shop' page! It would make the perfect last-minute holiday gift ;)

Aries - This year is a year where there is a lot of internal work being done behind closed doors that will translate into a more assured version of yourself. These changes will be present in your relationships, and if the relationship isn't healthy enough to withstand these changes, it will come to an end. This year, you are being offered learning opportunities that may feel hard in the moment, but you will come out on top if you're able to lean into the lesson of it all.

Taurus - Jupiter continues to transit your first house this year until May, which has felt like/will continue to feel like a confidence boost. There is a desire to expand with this transit and put yourself out there. Don't feel afraid to do so! The second half of your year has a larger focus on finances. This could mean you're earning more money, but with that will come the desire to spend more! If you're someone who struggles with saving, be prepared to be more intentional with your spending in the last half of the year.

Gemini - The second half of the year will feel exciting and expansive as Jupiter moves into your first house in May. This energy is asking you to put yourself out there in ways you wouldn't normally! There's also an intense focus on career this year. This intensity may feel at times like you're not being recognized for the hard work you're putting in, but don't worry; it will come. All your hard work in your career and long-term goals will pay off, so stick with it.

Cancer - Mercury retrogrades this year will fall in your work houses this year, making it an area of focus. Retrogrades are an opportunity to take stock of where we're at. They're an opportunity to slow down, reassess, and reconsider before we move forward. The three different retrogrades involve your energy job, your long-term goals, and your finances. There is a major focus on friendships and community for the first half of the year so find ways to enjoy yourself with the people closest to you.

Leo - There has been a large focus on career in 2023 for you, and that focus will continue for the first half of 2024. This will bring a more intense work load, raises, promotions, or new jobs. That said, Saturn is also transiting your eighth house, which can be an emotionally exhausting transit. Make space for yourself this year and be proactive in terms of your mental health. Things might be going really well at work or feel really exciting, but it will be important to also slow down and turn inward from time to time.

Virgo - This year has a private and internal focus, with Mercury retrograding in your water houses and Saturn in your seventh house. You are being asked to turn inward this year and explore who you are and what you need. This will absolutely have an impact on your relationships, especially if you're in a committed relationship. Communication is important; you will want to withdraw, but I encourage you to be open about how you're feeling this year.

Libra - Relationships are a major focus for you this year, with Mercury retrograding through your relationship houses and the nodes transiting your first and seventh. This is a year where you are making changes internally, and these changes have impacts on the relationships you're in. There are likely relationships that won't withstand these changes; they won't be supportive of the person you're becoming, but know that the relationships leaving this year weren't meant for you. These doors are closing for a reason.

Scorpio - With Saturn transiting your fifth house and Mercury retrograding through your work houses this year, there could be more of a focus on work and your responsibilities than play. This can lead to burnout, feeling less inspired, and a lack of desire to express yourself artistically. That said, Jupiter is finishing up a transit to your seventh house for the first half of the year, which is bringing excitement and energy into your relationships.

Sagittarius - There is a heavy focus on your relationships in the second half of the year. Jupiter, your chart ruler, will be transiting this house and bringing energy and excitement into your relationships. This tends to bring love interests, dates, engagements, or marriages! At the same time, Saturn is transiting your fourth which tends to bring big moves or simply a heavy focus on the home. These two together could mean moving in with someone or buying a home to build a family.

Capricorn - Mercury retrogrades fall in your water houses this year, and with that, you'll find these time periods are more private and intentional. There is more of a personal focus here than an external focus. For the first half of the year, Jupiter is expanding your creative inspirations as well as bringing energy to children, if you have them. This transit can be a time where there is a heavy focus on your children or a time where you get pregnant (so if that's not something you want, keep that in mind!).

Aquarius - This year, there is a focus on your finances as Saturn transits your second house. This transit can be frustrating as there is an experience that you're living paycheck to paycheck or that you're focusing so heavily on saving that there's no money leftover for play. Jupiter moves into your fifth house in May, which will bring expansion and energy to areas like artistic expression or children, if you have them. This is a transit that can bring pregnancies as well, so keep that in mind!

Pisces - Saturn transiting your first house brings an undeniable focus to things like aging and time passing. This transit may give you the feeling that there is a limited amount of time yet, or a raw reality check. This transit can be a tough and emotional one, so be patient with yourself this year. With Jupiter in your fourth house in the second half of the year, there is also a focus on your home, buying land, renovating, or simply making your house your home.

I hope you all found this helpful!




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