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Astrology & Fear

With an astrologically heavy week this week I am reflecting on the 'good' in astrology and the 'bad.' With Venus in Leo making her opposition to Pluto, and Mars and Uranus connecting in Taurus with Algol, there's a lot of heavy emotions and possible outrage. You can find more about these two in the July Forecast, but this post is specifically about the weight of my words and the place that fear holds within Astrology (specifically the astrology done on social media).

Learning astrology means learning a language that describes both the good and the bad parts of our world and lives, but I find that putting that language around the “bad” stuff is the area with which people really struggle.

I am re-listening to The Astrology Podcast episode 336 on “Pluto in Astrology,” and within the episode, Chris Brennan and Richard Tarnas are speaking about the archetypes that Pluto represents. Pluto, a rather intense planet with rulership over death, rebirth, trauma, transformation, violence, control, and power dynamics, is an archetype that we tend to struggle engaging with and predicting. Within the episode, Richard Tarnas shares how he feels it’s important for astrologers to do their own work regarding these archetypes, especially the ones deemed ‘negative,’ because if we don't, we can unnecessarily project our own fears onto our clients and audience. I find this to be more and more true for me.

I wrote a blog post last year (you can find it here) about the transits for my own personal chart that have led to several car accidents and injuries within my adulthood. The post is actually pretty compelling and shares specific transits that have triggered these accidents that have led to totaled cars, broken bones, surgeries, and various injuries. It feels very validating for me personally, as it offers a language for these real-life issues that have taken up a lot of space for much of my adulthood. On top of that, it is nice to know what ‘triggers’ are specifically relevant for accidents like this so I can avoid them in the future (if possible). But, that said, I can understand how a reader might read them and immediately be stressed about their own transits and stressful events that might occur within their life.

Recently, I was in another car accident. My fourth within the last eight years. I just bought a new car since my car was totaled in this accident, which makes five cars in my nearly 14 years of driving. To anyone, this likely sounds insane; they would say that I should probably just quit driving now before things get worse. In fact, I had a friend reach out in extreme concern that things will only get worse for me when Uranus is in Gemini, as that will trigger this T-square in my chart that is linked to all of my accidents and injuries, and that I should work through this before that happens. And while I understand and even appreciate this level of concern, I have an entirely different experience of these transits as I get older.

If you had asked me two weeks ago, just after this most recent accident, you would have witnessed me wallowing and whining, stressed about my car being totaled, and stressed about having to buy yet another car. I would have been ruminating about whether or not I would get more money than I owed for my car, and I was anxious that this meant an insane increase in my car payment and a terrible interest rate. All of those feelings were valid; it was really important for me to honor that fear and anxiety while I was in that space rather than talk myself out of it. But the reality is, within days, I would realize that there was a lot of ‘blessing’ in this car accident. First and foremost, no one in the car was hurt—not even a scratch or neck pain from the hit. Secondly, I would soon learn that because this accident wasn’t my fault and the other insurance company had taken liability, that meant that not only would my old car be paid off with no issue, I would also get a nice payout from the insurance company that would allow me to get a newer car that was more reliable and keep my monthly payments the same. The reality is, in some ways (other than the stress), I came out on the other end better than I was prior. Now, if you had told me that the day of the accident, I would have never believed you.

When I think back on all these accidents and injuries, more examples come to mind from years prior: the surgery I needed was paid in full by a charity; the injury happened on company grounds, which meant the bills were paid for by workers compensation; the broken wrist forced me to learn to ask for help; the PTSD that came from the first accident pushed me to do the inner work and therapy necessary to work on my anxiety and depression, which was much deeper than just the accident itself… The more I think, the more compelling they become.

When I think about how scary future transits are or might be, I am constantly reminding myself that any other time I’ve had a ‘scary’ transit or life-altering issue, everything has always worked out for me. Even though things were stressful, terrible, and unbearable in the moment, things ended up working themselves out in such a way that my life was better for those challenges.

I know this is an extremely hard take, especially if you find yourself in the same place I was two weeks ago, and to that, I want to say: honor where you’re at. If you’re not in a place to accept the hardship, that’s ok. We have to get ourselves through the mess in order to come out on the other side. There needs to be space for that pain, grief, and struggle. And after giving yourself the time and space to sit with the reality of it all, I hope you’re able to have moments of clarity on exactly how that pain has gotten you to the place you are today. I hope you’re able to realize you’re stronger, wiser, and better suited for success than you were before.

Ps - if you find yourself in a position where you feel you could also benefit from the same deep dives I have done on major dates in my life know that I am ALWAYS willing to investigate this with you in readings! It's one of my favorite things to do, so reach out if you're curious to find these patterns in your own chart <3




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