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Does Astrology Work?

Does astrology work? If so, how? Indulge me a little…

Those of you who know me know that I tend to get hurt on the regular. Whether it’s stubbing and breaking my toe on the way to the bathroom or dislocating my knee while playing volleyball with 15 of my students, it's been a consistent theme in my life. I have paid attention over the years to my many injuries and the transits that take place around the time of the injury and I’ve noticed a theme. 

Let me set the tone a little bit. I am a Scorpio rising which means my ruling planet is Mars. My Mars sits in the 8th house of debt and death and it rules both my first house of health and my sixth house (the house with Aries on the cusp) of sickness. It’s also important to note that Gemini is the sign that my Mars is placed in which rules the hands, cars and short distance travel. Mars in this instance rules action, injury, accidents and cutting. You may be noticing a theme…

I have looked at my major injuries I have had over the years as well as all the car accidents I have been in (yes, unfortunately that is plural) and noticed a pattern of planets making hard aspects to my Mars in Gemini in my eighth house. Now, before I dive into the nitty gritty, if you’re not sure what a transit is or what the hard aspect are here’s a little lesson. Transits take place when the current planets in the sky interact with our planets in our birth charts. The planets in our birth chart don’t move, it is a still picture of the planetary alignments on the day you were born, but the planets continue to move after the fact. Now when we look at transits we look to the aspects that they are making to our natal planets. There are many aspects but the ones that are important here are the conjunction (planets sitting right beside each other in the same sign), the square (planets making a 90 degree angle to one another) and the opposition (planets exactly opposite each other 180 degrees away). These are the hard aspects and can be intense in nature. Now that we have some understanding of the language I’ll be using, here are some major injuries that have notable transits to my natal Mars in Gemini in my 8th house. 

  1. My first car accident on March 8th, 2016 in which I hit a log truck and broke my right hand. Saturn is in opposition to my Mars as well as Mercury, Moon and Neptune are squaring my Mars. I needed surgery from this car accident as well my car was totaled - both of which put me into significant debt. 

  2. The surgery following car accident one on March 17th, 2016: I had screws put into my hand to repair the broken bone. Saturn was opposite my Mars, Neptune and Jupiter were both squaring my mars. 

  3. My second car accident was on April 8th, 2016 in which a car rear ended me on the interstate. My airbag didn’t deploy and I have whiplash on the right side of my neck as a result. I had just finished signing the paper work on my new car (if you haven’t noticed this is within the same month as the first two) on which I put $3000 down and would never get back because this car was totaled as well. During this time Jupiter and Neptune were still squaring my Mars as well as Saturn still opposing my Mars BUT the transit Mars had also joined Saturn by this point and was also opposing my natal mars. 

  4. In July of 2019 while playing volleyball at work with some of my students my right knee dislocated and had to be medically put back in. During this transit Jupiter was opposing my natal Mars as well as the transit Mars was conjunct my MC (the angle in the chart that represents your career and public image). 

  5. In August of 2019 I stubbed my pinky toe and broke it. Jupiter continued to sit opposite to my natal Mars. 

  6. On November 12th, 2019 I was in my third car accident in which a truck with a wood chipper was parked in the middle of the road at night with it’s lights off and I rounded a corner and was unable to stop in time. I broke my right wrist and totaled this car as well. During this transit Venus sat opposite to my natal Mars. 

  7. In January of 2023 I dislocated two ribs when someone tried to crack my back (word to the wise… save it for the professionals) and was in pain for about a month. During this time transit Mars was conjunct my natal Mars. 

  8. In early August of 2023 the transit Mars was squaring my natal Mars and during that time I tripped and fell landing on my left knee and hurting my left ankle as well. 

  9. Last but not least - in November 2023 my dog tore her ACL and I found out she needed surgery. The surgery, as you can imagine, was a large chunk of change. During this time the transit Mars and the Sun both sat opposite my natal Mars.

Typing that out makes me realize that is a LOT. As you can see there are patterns of injury (mars and 6th house), cutting (surgery/mars), hands (Gemini), car (Gemini), accidents (mars), debt (8th house), pets (6th house) and many, many more. The more I look into these significant (and some kind of insignificant) I notice a heavy theme of transits to my ruling planet Mars. It took me years to financially recover from some of these injuries/car accidents but I recognize that these hard lessons are part of what has made me who I am today. I know all of this might sound scary and you may be asking yourself “Lauren, maybe you should just stay inside wrapped in bubble wrap during any Mars transit..” But the reality is that these stories will unfold regardless of whether I intervene and I can understand the importance in all of these moments in my life. 

There are so many conversations that I have within my personal life that challenge the legitimacy of astrology and truthfully, I’m not in the business of convincing anyone, but the more I dig into my own life and the lives of my clients I see how profound and blatantly obvious astrology can be. Sometimes the astrology is so obvious it seems crazy to deny it! 

As a little reminder - my 2024 Astrology Forecasts are available for purchase! You can find them on the 'shop' tab of my website. And, take an extra 25% off for making it to the end of this post with code 'blogpost' ;)




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