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House Meanings in the Astrology Chart

You may have recently decided to take a look at your astrology chart rather than just your placements listed in a table, and if you are new to astrology, it’s likely that this chart feels very overwhelming to you! There are so many pieces of information in a wheel chart, and breaking down those pieces of information can be so helpful in understanding the bigger picture, so we are about to do just that!

You can tell immediately when you look at your chart that it is broken into 12 pieces. These are the 12 houses of your natal chart that are home to the different areas of our lives. These houses can give us so much information, especially when we pair them with the signs on the cusp of these houses and any planets we have inside. One thing to note, there are 12 houses and only ten planets, so don’t be alarmed if you have houses that are empty. We all have empty houses, and some of us have packed houses! This is just further information on how important that house and area of life will be in this lifetime for you. If you have a house with multiple planets, that might mean you overly focus on that area of life, whereas if you have an empty house, that area of life might get put on the back burner. Either way, there is nothing wrong with either! It’s just all about how we invest our time and energy throughout our lives. That said, let’s dive into some of the house meanings.

The first house, also associated with 9 o'clock if you are looking at the wheel as a clock, represents our vitality, body, and health.

The second house, directly below the first house, is associated with our finances, values, and belongings.

The third house is home to learning, teaching, communication, and short-distance travel.

The fourth house is the house of our parents, home, roots, and ancestral lineage.

The fifth house is the house of creativity, joy, self-expression, and children.

The sixth house is the house associated with stress and sickness, as well as (in modern astrology) our daily routines pertaining to health and jobs.

The seventh house is the house of our committed partnerships.

The eighth house is associated with our debts, death (literal and figurative), our partners money, and deep inner transformations.

The ninth house is associated with higher learning, philosophy, law, religion, foreign culture, and travel.

The tenth house is our house of careers and passions.

The eleventh house is our house of friendships, community, hopes and wishes, and activism.

The twelfth house is all that is unseen: our subconscious, mental health, spirituality, our own self-undoing, and our psyche.

This is just a brief synopsis of the meanings, and you can take your interpretation much further, but it can be helpful to begin with the surface level as you start to piece together your chart. Having a baseline understanding of what the houses mean can help you see the bigger picture: what sign is on the cusp of

that house, and what planet is there? How does that sign and planet help flavor your approach to that area of life? For example, if you have a planet in your first house, the house of the body, that planet may manifest in your physical body. If you have Saturn in the first house, it’s possible that you feel tense or rigid in your body, considering the sign as well. If you have Mars in your 10th house of career, you may be headstrong and a leader in the workplace.

I hope you found this helpful, and feel free to use it as a reference in the future!




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