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June for the Rising Signs

This June forecast is coming a bit early because I am headed on a cruise with my family and partner to ALASKA! I have three astro-cartography lines running through Alaska (Venus, Mars, and Saturn), so I'm excited to explore such a beautiful state and see how each of these lines flavors my experience! Maybe I will dive into astro-cartography in a future blog post and let you all know how it went for me, but that is for another day.

This month starts out with a lot of mutable energy from several planets in Gemini, and at some point throughout the month, each of those planets will find themselves in a square with Saturn in Pisces. While Gemini is very heady, logical, and chatty, when in a square with Saturn, there is a sense of restriction. There may be a tendency to pull back, and you may notice that you’re getting in your head about situations you wouldn’t normally. Venus, the Sun, and Mercury will all make this square to Saturn and, of course, will express it in their own ways. Venus and Saturn tend to bring about relationship lessons; the Sun and Saturn tend to manifest as confidence or ego lessons; and Mercury and Saturn often bring about lessons around authentic expression. Each of these will likely show up differently for each of us, but remember that with Saturn transits, there is always an opportunity for us to learn and grow from them. The good news about these transits is that they’ll only last a few days each! We will also have Mars moving into Taurus later this month. Mars will move out of his home sign of Aries, a sign that is hot-headed and impulsive, and into Taurus, a cooler, more methodical earth sign. This is a hard transition for Mars, as he’s not super comfortable in Taurus, so we may experience this as a slowdown. This might be a welcomed ease, or it may feel frustrating to you that things aren’t going quicker.

On June 6, we have a new moon in Gemini at 16°. This new moon has an optimistic feel as it sits close to Venus in Gemini. The lunar cycle begins with a New Moon, but we are also closing the previous chapter. Spend some time a few days before reflecting on your past month and what could have gone differently. Then, on the day of the new moon or a few days after, spend some time getting clear on how you want things to look in the future. Any Venusian thing will be highlighted with this new moon, so things like art, redecorating, romance, or indulging yourself are all great areas to invest in under this new moon. It’s worth mentioning, though, that this New Moon and Venus are making a square to Saturn, like I spoke about above. This will keep us grounded during this new moon and also offer us the gift of longevity in all that we’re manifesting under this new moon. Here, we can use the structure of Saturn as a gift, not a burden!

On June 21, we have a Capricorn Full Moon at 1° Capricorn. Similarly to the New Moon this month, this lunation also sits beside Venus, giving it a more optimistic feel. Full Moons tend to be much heavier than New Moons as they tend to be an emotional peak. We have reached the halfway point in our lunar cycle, and the light is the brightest it will get. Venus, though, will ease up on this a bit, offering us a more relaxing "peak,” if you will. This is still a great opportunity, though, to do some reflecting on the month and your goals and intentions. Spend some time releasing anything that is keeping you stuck. This can be personal beliefs about yourself, relationships, jobs, or even physical items in your home that you feel you need to let go of. Letting go can look different for each person, but I find that any activity where I am moving energy out of my body with the intention of releasing it is all I need. Depending on this month, this can look like taking a bath, journaling, walking or moving my body, or laughing or crying. (You can find more on this in the blog post “Working with the Lunar Cycle.”)

Aries - There is a highlight on authentic expression for you this month. Specifically, how is your inability or unwillingness to communicate authentically impacting your mind and body. There may be stored emotions that are creating blockages, and these blockages can be released through sharing your authentic self with important people around you. The lunations this month fall in your third and tenth houses. The Gemini New Moon will reinforce this need to share your passions authentically. The Capricorn Full Moon will offer you the opportunity to reflect on your current passions or career and identify if these are still avenues that are working for you.

Taurus - There is a heavy focus on resources and money this month, and you may have many questions that arise in regards to this. It’s possible that there is tension developing between the way you want to spend money and the way in which you need to spend money. It can be easy to indulge when out with friends or celebrating, but it’s important to do so in a level-headed way. The Gemini New Moon will highlight this theme of resources and finances, and it is a great time to invest in projects that will yield a more comfortable income for yourself.

Gemini - With such a heavy Gemini focus this month all falling in your first house, this month is all about you and how you present yourself to the world. You may find that there is one way that you’d like to present yourself, but at work and within your career, there are different expectations. This can create some tension for you, and it’s up to you to decide who you are and how you want the world to experience you. The Gemini New Moon is a great opportunity to invest in yourself and express the version of yourself you want others to see. The Capricorn Full Moon falls in your eighth house and is an opportunity to get in touch with any fears and anxieties you have, especially in regards to sharing yourself with the world.

Cancer - This month is a more private month for you as all of the Gemini planets will be in your 12th house. This is a time where you’re called to pull back a bit and spend some time alone. It’s important to take this time away to reduce the noise and let the dust settle a bit. This time to rest will give your system what it needs to come back stronger next month when all of these planets enter your first house. The Capricorn Full Moon, however, has more of a relationship focus for you and can be a good time to assess how fulfilling your relationships are. If there are people or relationships in your life that are no longer serving you, now is the time to let them go.

Leo - There is a heavy focus on your friendships and your connections within your community this month. This is an opportunity to find ways to get involved, if you haven’t already, in areas of the community you’re passionate about. This could be through hobbies, friends, activism, etc.! With Saturn in your eighth house, you might feel called to be involved in ways that connect to a deeper part of yourself, possibly helping a community of people who are struggling in ways that you yourself have struggled in the past. The Gemini New Moon is a great opportunity to plant these seeds and find ways to invest in your community, however that looks for you. The Capricorn Full Moon, though, is asking you to reflect on how you’ve been taking care of your mind and body and what you might need to be doing differently to ensure you can maintain your health.

Virgo - There is a heavy focus on career this month, with an influx of energy moving into that area of your chart. You will likely feel busier within your career or the area of life that you are passionate about. With Saturn in your seventh house, this energy in your career may cause tensions within your relationships. It’s possible that you are putting more time and energy into your work, and because of this, your relationship suffers. It will be important for you to decide where you want to invest your time and energy. The Gemini New Moon is a great time to plant seeds and rewrite your career goals. The Capricorn Full Moon falls into your fifth house, which is a nice balance for this month as it’s all about finding joy and expressing yourself creatively.

Libra - This month there is an opportunity to be more experiential as an opportunity to learn more about the world and therefore yourself. You might feel called to study more philosophy or literature in general, travel to a foreign country, or reconnect with your spiritual side. The Gemini New Moon is the perfect opportunity to plant seeds in these areas. If you’re thinking of going back to school or booking a trip abroad, this is a great time to take action and take the first step in doing so. The Capricorn Full Moon falls in your fourth house, which is a much more private focus. This full moon offers you the opportunity to reflect on your home, family, and ancestral roots.

Scorpio - There is a pull inward this month as many of the planets transit your eighth house of debt and anxieties. This is a time to let yourself experience silence and see what comes up. Let yourself explore the darker side of yourself in a nonjudgmental way, and be honest with yourself in regards to whether or not you can work on any of the anxieties you find while down there. There is tension between this house and Saturn in your fifth house, and this might be an opportunity for you to clear out some of the ‘dark’ that is holding you down in order to make space for the ‘light,’ joy, and creativity you’d like to let in. The Capricorn Full Moon lands in your third house, which pairs nicely with these other themes as it offers you the ability to voice these anxieties and share these darker, authentic parts of yourself as a way to release them.

Sagittarius - This month is all about relationships and the people you surround yourself with. You may look around and notice how lucky you are to be in the presence of so many wonderful people, or you may find yourself wishing that the people around you were more supportive and safe. If that is the case, taking steps to move on from those people will be important this month, especially as Jupiter begins its year-long transit in this house and brings an abundance of healthy people into your life. In all its abundance, though, you may notice a tension between the relationships in your life and your home or your safe space. This is an opportunity to ensure that the two are aligned and that you feel safe in both areas. The Capricorn Full Moon falls in your second house, which is all about resources and finances. This is an opportunity to release any barriers that stand in your way of financial abundance and success.

Capricorn - There is a heavy focus on your mind and body this month as many of the planets are transiting your sixth house of sickness and stress. This is the month to find a healthy connection with your body and, therefore, your mind. You may decide to make healthier decisions this month in terms of diet and exercise, and doing so will help you maintain health and not further stress your system out. A big part of this is finding ways to authentically express yourself and take up space within your world. The Capricorn Full Moon is a great opportunity to release those inauthentic parts of yourself and let yourself fully expand into who you truly are.

Aquarius - With many of the planets in your fifth house this month, there is a call to find creative ways to express yourself. Let yourself remember what it was like to be a kid—finger painting, getting muddy in the yard, or simply not caring about life responsibilities. Let the limitations of life fall to the wayside and enjoy the moment. All of that said, we find Saturn in your second house, asking you to not forget about the responsibilities of life, especially money. Do your best to balance these energies and find ways to indulge that don’t break the bank. The Capricorn Full Moon lands in your twelfth house, which will bring up more internally, and you may feel called to spend more time alone. Let yourself have this alone time.

Pisces - This month might feel more private as there is a concentration on your home, family, and your ancestral roots that connect you to your family. Transits to this house are about making a safe space within this world for you and ensuring it stays that way. This month could be about creating that space or just making adjustments to that space through the physical space or the family that occupies it with you. The Capricorn Full Moon falls in your eleventh house this month and asks you to reevaluate how you are connected within your community and how you want to be connected moving forward.


If you want more information on how this month will look for you individually, you can purchase a guide to the month that is specific to your chart and personal placements!

I also want to remind you that the Guide to Understanding Your Chart is still available. This guide walks you through all of the pieces of an astrology chart and how to interpret them on your own. It covers planets, signs, houses, aspects, tracking transits, and much more!




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