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Jupiter in Gemini for the Rising Signs

Jupiter has been in Taurus since May of last year and will move into Gemini later this month, on the 26th. When I think of the transition from Taurus to Gemini, I think of the story of the tortoise and the hare. Taurus is slow, intentional, and grounded. It makes changes and shifts very methodically, taking a significant amount of time to think things over before jumping into action. Taurus is very grounded, rooted, and stable, like the earth. That said, Gemini is an air sign and leans much more logical and verbal. Gemini is chatty and scattered. We are moving from the earth up into the air, or the head. Gemini has fleeting interests and can switch quickly from idea to idea. This energy reminds me a lot of 'squirrel' energy or ADHD (not actually the diagnosis itself, just the symptoms). With this shift, we are seeing the energy change from one area of our lives to another. Jupiter will leave one of our own houses and shift to another, but more on that later. This shift will likely feel palpable in a lot of ways. There will likely be an uptick in interest in new topics and possibly more energy, or at the very least more mental energy.

When Jupiter transits one of our houses, we see growth, excitement, new opportunities, promotions, and everything in excess. This area of our lives becomes center stage, and the excitement and positivity of this shift feels really supportive. That said, sometimes too much of a good thing is a bad thing. This reminds me of the recent discussion on how even good surprises too often are bad for the nervous system. It will be important, as always, for you to remember self-care and good boundaries during any Jupiter transit. It's important to know when to say enough is enough or acknowledge that you need a break. So, over this next year, I challenge you to welcome in the good luck and abundance while also maintaining a level of self-care!

Let's see how this shift will impact your chart based on your rising sign...

Aries: You will see this shift from your second house of finance to your third house of writing, teaching, communication, and learning. This year, your interests may shift to a new hobby or passion. You may feel called to learn this passion, or it’s possible that you already feel confident enough in it to teach it to others. This is also a great year for writing. If you have been feeling called to write or publish a book, this year is the year to put pen to paper and make it happen.

Taurus: Jupiter is shifting out of your first house of self/body and into your second house of finances. This is the year that Jupiter will bring its abundance to your wallet. You will be earning more money and feel more financially stable. That said, you may also notice you're spending more money, so it may not feel as though you're actually making more, but in actuality, you're just spending that excess income. If you're able to be intentional about your finances this year, it will be a great year for saving and keeping that extra income!

Gemini: Jupiter is leaving your twelfth house of self undoing and entering your first house of self. This last year, Jupiter has been traveling through a tough house mentally, and this may have been expressed as an increase in anxiety, depression, or personal struggles. As Jupiter enters your first house, you'll feel as though a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. This will bring an interest in putting yourself out there, feeling more extroverted, and being willing to take up more space. You will approach the world with more confidence.

Cancer: This planetary shift is moving from your eleventh house of community and friendships to your twelfth house of mental health and self-undoing. This shift will likely feel palpable, as the eleventh house is much more fun and energizing, whereas the twelfth house is much more private. Alone time and self-care will be important this year, as you will likely be exploring more intimate parts of yourself. You may have more anxieties and harder emotions come up, so alone time will be important. It will also be important for you to ask for help when you need it. Twelfth house transits can be hard, even when it's the abundant planet of Jupiter, so ask for what you need this year to take care of yourself. Remember that taking time off and stepping into the background can be helpful and supportive, even if being front and center is what you desire. Time off or working behind the scenes is what is needed to propel you into future success.

Leo: Jupiter is making the shift from your tenth house of career into your eleventh house of friendship and community. This past year has likely been a successful one in terms of your job and career. You may have been promoted or recognized at work, but the energy is shifting away from your job now and into your friendship and the community around you. This might suggest a better work/life balance, more time with friends, and getting connected within your community through activism or hobbies/organizations you feel called to work with. This is the year to invest in a solid community of people you trust and feel safe with.

Virgo: There is a shift here from your ninth house of higher education, travel, and law to your tenth house of career. It's possible you've spent the last year studying, traveling, publishing a book, or learning through your experiences and are now being invited to share what you've learned within your career. The shift from the ninth to the tenth is taking all that you’ve learned through schooling, travel, religion, spirituality, law, writing, etc. and applying it within the workplace. This year will bring recognition for the work you've put in, possibly in the form of a promotion or simply being recognized for projects you've been working on. This is the year to ask for a raise and take up more space within your goals regarding your passions.

Libra: Jupiter is shifting out of your eighth house of debt and inner transformation and into your ninth house of travel, higher education, and religion. The eighth house can be a tricky one because it's home to many things that seem random, but usually Jupiter in the eighth points to some sort of inheritance or debt relief. But with an inheritance usually comes the death of a family member, which can bring on its own level of grief; hence, this house is also associated with pain and inner transformation. That said, this past year there has likely been a focus on finances and debt, but you are shifting out of that now and into a house that is much more interested in learning and exploring the world. The ninth house is all things vast, like philosophy, law, religion, spirituality, travel (especially within foreign cultures), and higher education. This next year is all about learning through your experiences in the world. This is also a really good house for publishing, so if you've been thinking of publishing a book, this is the year to do so! (Note: especially if you're also in a ninth house profection year!!)

Scorpio: This past year, there has been a significant focus on relationships. For you, this could have meant meeting someone special, getting engaged or married, or simply deciding that you want to finally settle down with someone special. That said, you're shifting now into the eighth house of debt and inner transformation. This house can be a difficult one, but usually with Jupiter in it, there is some form of inheritance or help paying off your debt. This could be through someone helping you pay it off or an increase in side jobs that help you maintain a debt-free lifestyle. This house, like I said, is also about inner transformation, which might seem random, but there's typically a connection for most people between the two. We live in a capitalistic society where work really isn't an option and money tends to be a struggle for many of us. This transit could also be about working on your relationship with money and your fears of not having it.

Sagittarius: This shift is taking place from your sixth house of sickness and stress to your seventh house of relationships. Over the last year, your day-to-day life has likely been busy in an overwhelming way. You may have taken on more at work or taken on more daily routines that keep you busy and offer little time for downtime. This shift will bring your focus to a more emotional and romantic level. Jupiter in the seventh usually translates to major relationship commitments like an engagement, a wedding, moving in with a partner, or simply committing to one person. These relationships will feel exciting, lovely, and romantic. If you're not dating, I highly suggest putting yourself out there this year! You may be surprised by the success.

Capricorn: Jupiter is shifting out of your fifth house of children and creativity and into your sixth house of sickness and stress. This might sound bad, but it isn't necessarily! This house is how we take care of ourselves daily in terms of self-care and stress management. Jupiter, the planet known for expansion, tends to create a lot of energy for you on a day-to-day basis. This means that for the next year, your life on a small scale will feel pretty busy! This is nice at first, but after awhile, there is a significant risk of burnout. If you are running yourself thin and not managing the commitments of everyday life, it will begin to take a toll on your system, which is where we see the 'sickness and stress' piece come into play. It will be important for you to remind yourself not to take on too much. Take care of your mind and body during this transit by being honest with yourself in regards to when you need a break!

Aquarius: Jupiter is shifting out of your fourth house and into your fifth house. Jupiter in your fourth house has likely brought abundance into your home and family system. This could look like you have bought a home or land, are renovating your current home, or are diving deeper into your ancestry. Now, the focus shifts to the house of children, creativity, and how we find joy in our lives. This transit is about finding joy in the small things and stepping into creative spaces within your life. This could be through art, poetry, writing, etc.! Do what makes you feel alive this year. Ps - This transit is also a transit that tends to bring pregnancy, so if that isn't something you want, keep that in mind!

Pisces: Jupiter is shifting from your third house of learning, communication, and teaching to your fourth house of home, ancestry, and family roots. This is a year where you may make the decision to settle down and buy a house, land, or simply renovate your current home, but it's also possible that you find new ways to connect with your family roots and lineage. This transit is all about connecting back to who you are and where you came from, as well as creating a home and safe space for yourself in the present day.

Jupiter transits are fun and typically bring energy and excitement to different areas of our lives. It will also be important for you to consider any planets that you have in Gemini, as Jupiter will be making contacts with them as well, and that will flavor this transit for you.

One last thing I want to mention is that before Jupiter makes its exit from Taurus, it will connect with Venus in Taurus at 29 degrees Taurus. This is considered one of the luckier days of the year! Jupiter and Venus are both of the benefic planets, meaning they are the doers of good, and with Venus strongly placed in her home sign, there is an extra layer of luck and abundance with this conjunction. This conjunction will happen on Wednesday, May 22. I suggest doing something earthy that day, setting intentions, and planting seeds (literal or metaphorical).

Last thing, I want to remind you all that the Guide to Understanding Your Chart is officially available! It is on sale through May 20th, so make sure to get it before the price jumps up a bit :)




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