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Mars & Pluto - The Week of June 9

Mars entered Taurus this weekend after spending a few weeks happy and passionate in his home sign of Aries. Mars feels comfortable in Aries, as he is able to access his strength, passion, and the ability to act on impulse. Mars is an action-oriented planet and, in general, does well in the signs that allow him to take action without hesitation. We can see this translated into our everyday lives in that during these times, we are more likely to act on impulse, feel more energized in our bodies, and take up more space. The shift into Taurus, though, is palpable and slows us down tremendously. Each sign of the zodiac naturally overcorrects for the sign prior, and in this instance, Taurus overcorrects Aries’ impulsive nature. Taurus is slow, intentional, and grounded. Mars in Taurus can get easily frustrated, as he wants things done at his own pace and isn’t interested in being patient or intentional. This shift for us can feel similar. We are moving quickly, possibly too quickly, and it can be frustrating when we’re met with roadblocks that slow us down. But, like I mentioned above, the zodiac overcorrects for itself, and sometimes these roadblocks can be opportunities to slow down so as not to miss major red flags. Sometimes, rejection is protection.


This shift of Mars into Taurus is also met with an immediate square to Pluto in Aquarius, which creates much more discomfort than usual. A square on its own is challenging, but Pluto does what he does best and intensifies it. Pluto, the planet of power and control, steps in and takes the reins, creating much more struggle for us. This week, there is an absolute shift in the air. Things have been moving along at a steady pace, but now they are being halted. We are being asked to pivot and look at the other options and opportunities within these roadblocks. But with this will come frustrations. Anger will arise, and it’s up to you to manage those emotions appropriately. With any Mars transit, there is an excess of energy, and it’s important that you use this energy wisely. It will be important to find ways throughout this week to move energy out of your body through exercise as well as through journaling, meditation, and calming your mind and body in general. Let yourself feel the emotions that come up this week, but ensure that you’re not taking your emotions out on others. Channel your energy into a healthy outlet.


Mars makes its shift into Taurus early Sunday morning, but this square is present for most of the week, peaking on Tuesday. This energy will also be intensified as the moon enters Leo on Sunday afternoon, making an opposition to Pluto. The first few days of the week will absolutely be the most intense, and it will be important to take your emotions as they come and let them exist in a non-judgmental space. There may be fear in what is coming up, and it’s important to remember that you are not your thoughts. Let yourself observe them, but don’t hold onto them any longer than you need to. Let yourself dig into the emotion, acknowledge it, and release it.


Take care of yourselves this week.





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