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November '23 Newsletter

Hello everyone, and happy November! I am really looking forward to a new month and some new energy... Eclipse season really exhausted me, and as much as I love the change it brings, I'm so thankful to have it behind me!

We start off the month with a Mars that is in rulership in Scorpio. This is a Mars who is able to do what he wants to do and has the follow-through to actually do it. On November 8th, Venus also moves into her home sign of Libra and is able to do the same! We recently had Mars in detriment in Libra and Venus in detriment in Virgo, so seeing them strongly placed at the same time is definitely a change of pace this month. These two give us more confidence and energy! I like to think of Venus as the planet ruling what we want and Mars as the planet that gets us there, so these two strongly placed planets will give us more strength to be successful this month.

On November 13th, we have a new moon in Scorpio conjunct and ruled by this strongly placed Mars. New moons are a time for manifesting and planting seeds. Having a strong Mars in the conversation with this new moon gives us the motivation needed to bring our manifestations to fruition. Mars has the initiative needed to get things off the ground, to take ideas and make them tangible. Look to where Scorpio falls in your chart, specifically 20º Scorpio, and if any of your personal planets are involved in this New Moon to see how it might impact you personally. Use these few days to get clear on your goals and manifestations and what you need to do to get yourself there.

Towards the end of the month, we have a full moon in Gemini on November 27th. Interestingly enough, this lunation is also involving Mars, but Mars and the sun have both moved into Sagittarius at this point, which is very different energy. The Gemini/Sagittarius axis is known as the knowledge axis, so you may feel compelled to learn something or even share your knowledge during this opposition of the sun and moon. Of course, look to where Gemini falls in your own chart, specifically 4º Gemini, and how it interacts with your personal planets. This full moon (plus Mars) forms a t-square with Saturn in Pisces, which can be intense, so I would suggest taking it easy around the time of this full moon if you can! Find the time and space to release what comes up, give yourself space to feel and express your feelings, and release any stuck energy that is holding you back.

I also wanted to make note of a few events I have taking place this month! The first is an Astro Chat with Lauren on 11/8 at 7pm. This is a chat over zoom about the current astro-weather, how it's impacting you, and any other questions you may have about astrology in general or your chart! All are welcome! My hope is that this can be a casual time to connect over astrology and how we are all dealing with recent transits :) please feel free to bring any questions or concerns you have <3 You can sign up on the bookings page of my website!

Second, if you are local to NC, please consider joining me at the Inner Vision Psychic Fair on 11/11 for an in person reading! There will be lots of other wonderfully talented readers there as well! If you are interested in scheduling a reading ahead of time please reach out :) I'd be happy to secure you (and anyone else) a spot! I hope to see you there <3

I'm already feeling so much better about the month of November and I hope you all are too! Sending you lots of love this month.




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