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Pisces Lunar Eclipse & Eclipse Season

We have our first eclipse of Eclipse season on September 17, 2024. This eclipse takes place in Pisces at 25º 40’ and is our first eclipse in Pisces since 2017. Here is some information on eclipses and eclipse season from the blog post I wrote in March before we dive into this specific eclipse.


“Eclipses, put simply, take place when a new or full moon occurs within 16º of the lunar nodes. The lunar nodes are not planets but rather points in the sky that are represented by the crossing of the sun's path and the moon's path. The nodes are always opposite one another and move backwards through the zodiac. There are many interpretations of the nodes, and these interpretations vary based on the type of astrology one studies, but to keep things simple: the south node tends to suggest areas of your life that are comforting, possibly a little too comforting and can contribute to a sense of ‘baggage’, and the north node is a point that challenges you to grow out of those comfort zones within this lifetime.


Now that we’ve laid that groundwork, let’s talk a little about what eclipses can represent for us. The ancients believed that eclipses were ‘bad’ or ‘malefic’ in nature due to one of the luminaries (the Sun and Moon) being eclipsed. They associated these times with times of death, war, etc., and this is where we get the interpretation that eclipses are bad. But, as things have changed throughout history, some of that interpretation still applies and some of it doesn’t. It’s true that these periods tend to initiate major changes and transformations within our lives, but in my experience it isn’t always as obvious as some make it out to seem. There may have been very tangible shifts under eclipses like a job promotion, a marriage, a car accident, injury, etc., but there are also likely eclipses that don’t illicit a major change that same day, so why is this? I have noticed in my time observing these time periods that there are just some eclipses where the change happens in a domino effect kind of way. It isn’t obvious the day of, but when I look back months later, I remember that I ended up meeting someone that day who introduced me to someone else, which gave me a new opportunity to do xyz... Something changed that day or around that time that laid the groundwork for a shift in my life.


When we enter eclipse season, it’s important to look to the pair of houses the eclipses will take place in. Like I said earlier, the nodes are always opposite one another, which means they are transiting opposing houses in your chart. This might be the first and seventh houses or the fourth and tenth. This opposition already gives you vital information about the areas of your lives that are shifting over the 18-month period that the nodes stay in those houses. For example, if the nodes are in your first and seventh, you will see changes and transformation within who you are and how you present yourself to the world, and that will, in turn, bring transformation into how you show up in your relationships.


I know that some of this may feel overwhelming, especially to a beginner, so if you’re interested in understanding transits or aspects further, I suggest checking out my other blog posts on “Tracking Transits”, “Understanding Your Birth Chart,” and “House Meanings in Astrology” OR purchasing “The Guide To Understanding Your Chart,” as each of these will help you decipher how this eclipse fits into your own chart. That said, if that all feels like entirely too much for you, I am also offering written reports [for September] in which I do all of this for you! “



Looking now at this particular eclipse and the eclipse taking place on October 2nd, we notice that we are shifting out of the Aries and Libra axis and into the Virgo and Pisces axis. The eclipse on September 17th is in Pisces, again the first one we've seen since 2017, but the nodes are actually still in Aries and Libra. This happens because the nodes are ending their time within Aries and Libra, and this particular full moon happens close enough to the transiting nodes for it to be an eclipse. That said, the eclipse on October 2nd is still in Libra. This means that during this eclipse season we are both starting a new story and ending an existing one. The nodes have been in Aries and Libra since June of 2023. This means that we have gotten fairly familiar with how the nodes in these signs and sets of houses have manifested for us. There has likely been challenge and growth within these areas of life (we’ll talk more about the specific houses below in the horoscopes for the signs!) That you can recognize and pinpoint over the last 15 months. That said, this eclipse in Pisces begins a new storyline, and it's likely that this storyline won't be entirely obvious yet. Like I mentioned above, a lot of eclipses provoke change in a domino effect kind of way, not in a tangible and immediate way. This means that this eclipse in Pisces will likely manifest in a more subtle way, and the sparks of change will be more obvious down the road.


Speaking of looking back, I thought it could be helpful for us to look back on some recent eclipses over the last few years. You can make note of these specific dates and the pair of houses that the eclipses took place in and do some of your own reflecting. It’s likely that you’ll immediately notice a theme with these eclipses and remember pivotal moments within your life that seemed innocuous at the time.


10/25/2022 - 02º Scorpio 00’

11/8/2022 - 16º Taurus 00’

4/20/2023 - 29º Aries 50’

5/5/2023 - 14º Scorpio 58’

10/14/2023 - 21º Libra 07’ 

10/28/2023 - 05º Taurus 09’

3/25/2024 - 05º Libra 07’

4/8/2024 - 19º Aries 24’

9/17/2024 - 25º Pisces 40’

10/2/2024 - 10º Libra 03’


I’ll also share a list of house meanings for you to consider when reflecting back on these recent eclipses. Like I mentioned above, there are always two opposing houses that are being activated by the nodes. It’s worth mentioning, as well, that these transits tend to be even more impactful if they land in the angular houses: 1, 4, 7, and 10.



My hope is that with reflecting on these past few years you’re able to see how eclipses have manifested for you personally, and that will give you greater insight into what to look out for during this eclipse season. There is often a lot of inflammatory information on the internet about how eclipses are doom and gloom, but reflecting back on how major changes in your life were actually good for you can be really helpful when entering a new period of intense change. Often the change that takes place in connection with the nodes are changes that we needed to make all along; we just needed a push to actually get ourselves there.


Let’s look at the houses being transited by the nodes for each of the rising signs (this is relevant for both the eclipse on September 17th in Pisces and the Libra eclipse on October 2nd, even though I will probably write more about that one as we get closer!):


Aries - the nodes are finishing their transit of your first and seventh houses. The North Node has been in your first house, and the South Node has been in your seventh since June of 2023. This has brought a significant shift in who you are and how you present yourself to the world. You’ve likely made changes to stand more confidently in who you are and are more comfortable taking up space. This change has also meant that you’ve had to make difficult changes within your relationships by letting go of people who aren’t transforming with you. There have likely been people in your life that have been actively holding you back, and because of that, you had to put yourself first and move on from that relationship. As the nodes shift to Virgo and Pisces, they will transit your sixth and twelfth houses. This will be motivation to turn inward and begin to focus on how these changes manifest internally for you. There will be more of a focus on maintaining a healthy mind and body and self-care. This shift may come with a need for more alone time.


Taurus—the nodes are finishing their transit of your twelfth and sixth houses, which are rather private houses within the chart. There has been a focus on mental and physical health since June 2023, and you have likely made many changes within these areas. There has likely been a need for more self-care, time alone, possibly therapy, or other avenues of self-help. It’s also possible that you’ve taken your health more seriously over this period of time and have initiated diets, exercise routines, or other ways of putting your health first. As the nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces, they shift into your eleventh and fifth houses. This shift will bring you out of your shell and ask you to focus on expressing yourself through creativity, friendships, and accessing your inner child.


Gemini - the last 15 months there has been a heavy focus on learning through your experiences. This could have been through travel, education (short or long term), writing, religion, or spirituality. There has been a need to expand your horizons and see beyond the comfort zone of the box you keep yourself in. As the nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces, there is a highlighted focus on your home and your career. This focus may be because of changes of your own doing or possibly changes that you’re not entirely in control of. It’s possible that your workload grows in capacity and you decide to make some changes to better support yourself. This could mean finding a new job or possibly just pivoting in your current role. With this, you’re also seeing changes to your home, which might be moving, expanding, redecorating/renovating, etc.


Cancer - over the last 15 months, the nodes have been transiting your tenth and fourth houses. There have likely been shifts within your career that have led to growth and success. It’s likely that the shifts that took place (and may continue to take place) were needed in order to open new doors for you within your career. With these changes on a public scale, there have also been changes on a private scale within your home and family. You may have moved or decided to make changes within the home to align with these shifts you’ve seen on the public scale. As the nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces, the focus shifts to learning, either through short-term or higher education, writing, communication, and travel (both short-distance and long-distance). This transit is more about learning who you are and how you fit within the world through your experiences.


Leo - as the nodes have been transiting Aries and Libra, they have been in your third and ninth houses. These houses are all about learning through our experiences. This could be through travel, education (both short-term and long-term), spirituality, and religion. This has been motivating to explore different parts of the world and to expand your horizons. As the nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces, the nodes shift into your second and eighth houses. These houses have to do with money. The second house is about your finances, and the eighth house is about your debts, your partner's money, and inheritances. You will likely be taking a harder look into your finances and the money that you’re bringing in. If you’re married or in a committed relationship with shared finances, there could also be a focus on this person's money as well. With the North Node in the eighth house, it could be that this person's income is expanded or that you are paying off debts/loans or gaining access to an inheritance of some sort.


Virgo - the nodes have been transiting your second and eighth houses since June of 2023. These are the houses in the chart that have to do with money. The second house is your personal finances, and the eighth house is your partner's money, debt/loans, and inheritances. With the North Node in your eighth house, there may have been an inheritance of some sort or an increase to your partner's income if you’re married/share finances. It’s also possible that you paid off a debt during this time. As the nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces, they will shift into your first and seventh houses. These houses are significant, and you will see changes to who you are and how you express yourself, and because of these changes, your expectations within relationships will shift. You may find that you are outgrowing certain relationships or that they are no longer meeting your needs. This is a time of deep reflection on who you are and what you value within the company you keep.


Libra - the nodes are finishing their transits to your first and seventh houses. There has been an absolute focus on yourself and your relationships since June 2023. It's likely that you’ve done a lot of growing on sifting through who you are as a person and how you want to be experienced by others. This could have come with a lot of exhaustion, and anything that wasn’t meant for you was likely depleting in nature. This meant that you had to be intentional about where you invested your energy and likely had to close doors on areas that you felt weren’t meant for you. That said, there has been growth within your relationships, and you’ve found a solid person or group of people that you’ve learned you can rely on. This person/people have created a safe space for you throughout your journey through self-discovery. As the nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces, there will be a shift into your twelfth and sixth houses. This shift can feel more private, and there will be a need for more alone time. There is more of an internal focus on your mental and physical health. You will likely notice over the next year or two that you initiate routines involving self-care.


Scorpio - over the last 15 months, there has been a more internal focus on your mental and physical health. This focus could have been of your own doing or it could have been because a physical or psychological issue presented itself over the last year. This focus on these areas of your life has been necessary and was likely paired with the need for more alone time and time for rest. As the nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces, there is a shift in the focus to a more playful place. This will manifest as opportunities to be creative, get in touch with your inner child, and invest in friendships and your community of people you love and trust. There may be challenges within friendships, and you may be asked to let go of certain relationships that aren’t serving you. You will know when it’s time to move on and grow in a different direction.


Sagittarius - the last 15 months there has been a heavy focus on learning through your experiences. This could have been through travel, education (short or long term), writing, religion, or spirituality. There has been a need to expand your horizons and see beyond the comfort zone of the box you keep yourself in. As the nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces, there is a highlighted focus on your home and your career. This focus may be because of changes of your own doing or possibly changes that you’re not entirely in control of. It’s possible that your workload grows in capacity and you decide to make some changes to better support yourself. This could mean finding a new job or possibly just pivoting in your current role. With this, you’re also seeing changes to your home, which might be moving, expanding, redecorating/renovating, etc.


Capricorn - over the last 15 months, there has been a heavy focus on both your home and career. You’ve put a lot of pressure on your home and made it your own. You may have moved, bought a house, or made simple changes within your current situation to make the space more comfortable for you. That said, there has likely been more tension within your work and long-term goals. You may have made the decision to leave a job or advocated for a change within your current position. It’s possible that you have felt like you’re not being seen at work or that the workload is exhausting at times. As the nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces, they shift into an area of life that is more curious and lighthearted for you. There is more of a focus on learning, traveling, and growing through your experiences. You could decide to go back to school or take on a new certification. This transit is all about learning who you are in the world through your experiences.


Aquarius - as the nodes have been transiting Aries and Libra, they have been in your third and ninth houses. These houses are all about learning through our experiences. This could be through travel, education (both short-term and long-term), spirituality, and religion. This has been motivating to explore different parts of the world and to expand your horizons. As the nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces, the nodes shift into your second and eighth houses. These houses have to do with money. The second house is about your finances, and the eighth house is about your debts, your partner's money, and inheritances. You will likely be taking a harder look into your finances and the money that you’re bringing in. If you’re married or in a committed relationship with shared finances, there could also be a focus on this person's money as well. The North Node is in your second house and will be bringing shifts within your finances that will open doors down the road. These shifts may not be welcomed in the moment but will likely bring expansion throughout the North Nodes time in Pisces.


Pisces - the nodes have been transiting your second and eighth houses since June of 2023. These are the houses in the chart that have to do with money. The second house is your personal finances, and the eighth house is your partner's money, debt/loans, and inheritances. With the North Node in your second house, there has likely been a shift within your finances. This could have been a raise or a second income to help you financially. (PS: If you haven’t gotten a raise yet this year, I’d highly suggest asking for one before the NN leaves Aries!). As the nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces, they will shift into your first and seventh houses. These houses are significant, and you will see changes to who you are and how you express yourself, and because of these changes, your expectations within relationships will shift. You may find that you are outgrowing certain relationships or that they are no longer meeting your needs. This is a time of deep reflection on who you are and what you value within the company you keep.

Happy eclipse season everyone!




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