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The Astrology of Valentine's Day

At this point, you’re likely very familiar with the fact that Pluto has entered Aquarius, but what are some ways in which this shift has a tangible impact on us?


Pluto will be hovering over the first several degrees of Aquarius for the next few years, and during that time, anytime a planet ingresses into a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), it will immediately make a hard aspect to Pluto. This actually happens three times in February! Mercury, Mars, and Venus all make their move into Aquarius this month, which means they all immediately make a conjunction with Pluto. Pluto is standing at the door welcoming them, with all his warm southern hospitality (this is sarcasm). This connection with Pluto will be a stressful one for most planets, and these hard connections will continue to take place in planets in fixed signs over the next 20 years while Pluto is transiting Aquarius.


For us, that means that the times in which planets are in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius will likely be much more intense than they have been under previous transits of the fixed signs.


The first to make its connection with Pluto is Mercury on February 5th, and under this transit, we tend to see secrets being exposed, either yours or the secrets of those around you. The day before Valentine’s Day, though, we see Mars connect with Pluto as it ingresses into Aquarius. These two planets can be violent, aggressive, controlling, emotionally explosive, and physically intense. Mars is bringing energy and action to the plutonian themes of power and control. A few days later, on February 16th, Venus moves into Aquarius and also makes this connection. This connection can represent forcefulness in love, and if this passion and intensity aren’t reciprocated, it can be very scary for the person on the receiving end. This connection is one of obsession and the need to control the ones you love.


Now that likely all sounds terrible... But there is a healthy way to engage with these energies that can be both supportive and illuminating. I highly suggest being proactive with these energies by surrounding yourself with people who you feel safe with and can communicate effectively with. It will be important that you are open and honest with yourself about what may come up for you personally this month, as well as surrounding yourself with mature people who are able to do the same. With the Mars/Pluto connection, find a way to appropriately release the energy that comes up. This can be exercise, dance, play, etc. It will be important in those few days to monitor your energy levels and channel your passion into something healthy. Similarly to Venus, find ways to passionately connect with loved ones that involve consent and open communication. Venus and Pluto can bring heat and fire into a relationship, which can be exciting and fun, but it will be important to know that both parties are comfortable and open to exploring.


Pluto can be overwhelmingly intense, but there are ways we can engage with his energies that open us up to new parts of ourselves; we just have to be open and ready for them!


ps - as a reminder the workshop on understanding your natal chart is this Thursday! If you are interested in joining email me for more info ( or you can find the event under the 'shop' tab.

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends!




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