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The Lion's Gate Portal 8/8- How to Work with it

Updated: Aug 20, 2023

Each year, during the several days between July 28th and August 8th, a portal opens which brings potent energy for manifesting. I know manifestation is a big buzz word right now, and honestly, it’s beginning to lose all meaning for me, BUT I promise this is a highly energetic time that you don’t want to miss out on.

Speaking from personal experience, this energy has been so transformational for me. From a highly intense awakening on what my calling is to social media posts getting 5+ million views, the energy that is present during this portal is undeniable for me. Because this has been such a transformational time for me, I wanted to share some ways in which you can engage with the energy of this portal, as it does peak on August 8th and the portal itself closes on August 9th.

Before beginning my actual manifestations, I like to spend some time meditating/getting quiet. For me, having five planets in water, I do my best meditating in the bath! I usually like to use herbs/spices that represent abundance (cinnamon, rice, honey, nutmeg, etc.) in the bath as well (this isn’t the time to use salt/epsom salt) and spend some time clearing my mind. Of course, if you’re not into baths or don’t have the time/availability for one, you can absolutely meditate in another setting as well. In either instance I like to have a candle to represent fire, incense to represent air, a crystal or flowers for earth, and a clear glass of water. If you’re not in the bath, you can also add your

herbs/spices associated with abundance to a bowl to sit with you. Meditate for as long as feels ‘good’ for you, as long as it takes you to clear your mind and declutter your thoughts. Once you feel ready and clear, you can begin setting intentions. I, personally, like to do this in writing, but you can speak them as well! I also like to write out my intentions and manifestations as if I already have them in a letter to myself. An example for someone looking for love could be: “I am writing this on August 8th, 2024, and you won’t believe the year I’ve had! I met someone so special who validates and loves me for who I am. We are compatible and have the same goals and values.” Or if you are looking to manifest

money “The date is August 8th, 2024, and my bank account is overflowing with money. This year, I was able to pay off my student loans in totality and just finished paying off my car. I have an extra $20,000 in savings to use for xyz in the future. I am no longer in debt and am no longer living paycheck to paycheck.” Hopefully, you get the idea!

Once I am clear on my intentions, I end with “and so it is” and fold my paper towards me. I keep the paper with my crystals or in my money bowl (from New Years!) and send it some loving energy every time I pass it in my room.

To be honest, there are so many ways to manifest, and this is just one way that really works for me. Manifesting can be simple, but I think the common misconception is that you manifest and magically everything falls into place, but that isn’t the case. Manifesting still requires work, it requires you to

continually check in with your goals and intentions and actively clear out anything standing in your way of getting there. Sometimes this means we need to cut out self destructive habits or unhealthy people from our lives, or we may need to make changes that uproot our entire lives. But getting clear in the beginning on what your goals are is so important and foundational to actually achieving them!

I hope you found this helpful, and the energy of the portal is just as impactful for you all as it has been for me!




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