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The Saturn Cycle

Many of our life cycles can be traced back to Saturn and the way he moves around our chart. Have you ever heard the saying “the seven-year itch?” Well, fun fact: that saying comes from the Saturn cycle!

If you’re at all familiar with astrology, you know that Saturn takes roughly 29.5 years to get around the zodiac, and the ages 29 and 58 are associated with the big and scary Saturn return! But it’s also important to pay attention to what Saturn is doing during those 29.5 years as well!

The Saturn cycle can be broken into four major sections of seven-year increments (yep, theres that seven-year piece again!) of time where the 'story' or your ‘Saturn lesson’ tends to make itself known. The cycle starts when you are born; let's say that your Saturn falls at 0° Pisces. The first notable part of this cycle takes place roughly seven years later, when Saturn gets to 0º Gemini, making a square to your natal Saturn at 0º Pisces. The second part of the cycle takes place seven years after this (so fourteen years after you were born) when Saturn gets to 0º Virgo, making an opposition to your natal Saturn at 0º Pisces. Seven years after that, at age 21, Saturn makes the second square to your natal Saturn when it gets to 0º Sagittarius. Lastly, at age 29.5ish, Saturn returns back to 0º Pisces, known as a Saturn Return, where it has finally completed an entire lap around your chart. This cycle can be followed every seven years for the rest of your life!

These time periods tend to be notable within the Saturn cycle because of the nature of the aspects Saturn is making to your natal Saturn. Squares and oppositions are hard aspects and tend to feel tense and uncomfortable. These aspects are challenging us in some way, usually in regards to the major lesson Saturn is trying to teach us throughout the overall cycle.

Following the Saturn cycle can illuminate many of your Saturn lessons in this lifetime. For example, I know someone who has made major relationship shifts (marriages, divorces, etc.) during each part of the Saturn cycle. Every seven years, there is a new development involving their intimate relationships and the space that they take up within these relationships. Becoming aware of these patterns and these lessons that Saturn is handing us gives us the opportunity to work with him rather than against him. Saturn tends to make these lessons more and more apparent the more we ignore them. If we are able to acknowledge our growth areas, Saturn rewards us, then these major time periods within our lives tend to be ‘easier.’ Saturn is the planet of hard work and rewards us when he sees us engaging in it.

Look into these ages and break down the cycle for yourself. When you look back at these times of Saturn squares and oppositions, do you notice any themes that stand out? Maybe there were major lessons about money, relationships, or your career. Lean into these challenges and open yourself up to the opportunity that comes with them as much as you can.

Note: If you’re able to look up the actual transits of Saturn, please do! Seven years is a guideline, but it might not exactly line up with the squares and oppositions.




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