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Working with the Lunar Cycle

Each month, the moon makes a complete cycle through the signs of the zodiac, and working with this cycle is beneficial to us in so many ways. As much as you are able (within the structures of our current world), I highly suggest following the natural rhythms of the moon cycle and letting them lead you throughout the month. You may notice, as I have, that this rhythm feels much more supportive to you. The lunar cycle begins with each new moon. This is the time of the month when the sun and moon share the same degree of a sign. This time marks beginnings and is typically associated with manifesting, setting intentions, and starting new projects. The light is at its lowest during this part of the month, so imagine that you are planting seeds that will grow as the month progresses. A few days before the new moon is a good time to reflect on the previous cycle, revisit your manifestations from the last new moon, and take stock of how things have changed. This is a good time to get quiet, notice the shifts, and give thanks for all that the month has brought you. On the day of the new moon or during the days following, begin to get clear on your new intentions for this next cycle. This is the time to manifest. I like to manifest by writing down what I want as if I already have it. Sometimes I do this by writing a letter to myself, and sometimes it’s just in bullet form, but either way, there is no wrong way to set intentions. During this time, you have a clear vision for yourself, goals, and intentions for the next month, and now it’s time to begin watering them.

Over the next two weeks, you may begin to see things shift, or you may be challenged to make a decision: play it safe or take a risk that could lead to all that you have been manifesting? By the time you make it to the full moon, roughly two weeks later, the energy is picking up and you are getting the recognition you need. This is when the light from the moon in the sky is at its peak, and the energy is typically at an all time high. This marks the halfway point in the lunar cycle, as the moon sits opposite the sun. This time can highlight any problem are as or directly reflect an opposition in your life. This is the time to notice the roadblocks standing in your way of achieving the manifestations you set out to accomplish in this cycle. It is helpful to look back on your intentions: how far have you come and what needs to change in order to be more successful? Full moons are associated with releasing—you are releasing barriers or bumps in the road that are hindering you from having everything you desire. Sometimes these things are literal, and sometimes they aren’t tangible (like thoughts or beliefs you hold). This is the time to be honest with yourself, you may need to make a tough decision to get to the other side. What needs to change in order for your manifestations to reach fruition within the next two weeks? Some of my favorite ways to release are: baths, dancing, walking, crying, laughing, writing, and in general, moving energy. I notice that even a little bit of movement can help me release a lot, and I usually like to follow up the movements with a hot bath and a meditation. Sometimes all I need to do is get quiet long enough to hear the answers.

Two weeks after the full moon marks the next new moon, and our cycle starts over again. It’s important to take into account each of these lunations and the contacts they’re making with other planets in the sky. You’ll begin to notice that some lunations are tough, they aren’t all sunshine and rainbows, and they are coupled with intense healing. That said, there are also times when the lunation is making such supportive aspects that it *does* feel all sunshine and rainbows. It’s also worth noting that depending on where these lunations fall in your chart, it will also impact how they’re experienced. I personally have a harder time with full moons, and I tend to get migraine headaches the week of the full moon. However, I know plenty of people who feel their best under full moons and struggle more under new moons. It’s all about our charts and how the planets interact with them, so it’s always important to do your own investigating and experiential learning when working with the moon and the lunar cycle.




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